about mrs. knickertwist |

Tish Durkin's career as a journalist has taken her to New York and D.C.; South Africa and Syria; Israel and Iraq. Having served as a staff political writer for the (pre-Kushner!) New York Observer and an opinion columnist for National Journal, the Huffington Post, and The Week online, she has also worked freelance for such publications as New York, Elle, the Atlantic Monthly, O magazine, and Rolling Stone. More latterly, family life has taken her to Spain, Ireland and now Princeton, NJ, with a permanent posting in the world of autism. The practicalities of not-twenty-anymore, globe-shuttling, intense-special-needs motherhood have long since turned this reporter away from the perpetual go of journalism to the writing of fiction. Knickertwist grows from her complete inability to resist rattling on about the truth that has become so much stranger.